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Night Drawings and Hythe Paintings: a virtual walk and talk around town with artist Nicola Burrell

Writer: Walk ColchesterWalk Colchester

Updated: May 26, 2021

MONDAY, MAY 3rd, 2021 - A Jane's Walk 2021 event

Nicola Burrell takes us on a walk around Colchester's Hythe, and around Colchester town at night: two walks, 25 years apart...

Nicola was born in Colchester - where she lives - and works. She studied fine art in Belfast and Barcelona. Her work has always straddled painting and sculpture. She builds up her paintings into 3 dimensional objects using bits of wood and detritus to create an effect of 'super-perspective' whereas her sculptures - always 'constructed' in manner, use colour often, and are based upon forms and patterns observed in life, generally urban life and overlooked places.

In this talk she will show two different series of work, both made in Colchester, but twenty five years apart. The first a study of the Hythe made in the early 90's when it was a fascinating and forgotten place, and a portfolio of drawings in pastel of Colchester at night, made more recently.

Nicola says: "Central to the idea of Jane's Walks is that one becomes attuned to the urban environment, that the town and its phenomenon are rendered available to observation and contemplation. We might say that drawing offers for the artist a similar deeper engagement with their subject. Rather than just snatched recognition the artist has to feel their way around their subject, to see it afresh and for what it is in order to render it accurately".

Nicola's subjects in this work are the buildings and places which excite her imagination and perhaps which evoke stories and memories for her and for those looking at her work.

See some of Nicola's work here: Find Nicola on Facebook here:


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