Access to the Countryside for All
Off-road, all-terrain, barrier-free, no compromise countryside!

Background and Funding
In 2012, Walk Colchester won a £6,275 NatWest Community Force award towards purchase of a BOMA all-terrain chair for the Colchester community. This was subsequently match-funded by Colchester Catalyst Charity, making the BOMA project finally a reality.
Ever since, the BOMA has been transforming the leisure time of disabled and older walkers, for whom 400 acres of park and woodland have been offically open for play!
In 2021-2022, as the BOMA turned 10 years old, the project received two important new funding grants, giving it a new lease of life and securing its immediate future:
£2,000 from local charity, The Tudwick Foundation and £500 from Magic Little Grants (
We are so grateful, especially at a time when access to the outdoors and our green environment has never been more important. Many thanks to both.
Our Project Sponsors
Our grateful thanks to The Tudwick Foundation and Magic Little Grants for their awards
in 2020 and 2020/22 respectively.
Many thanks also to Smart Networked Environments for their sponsorship of the Colchester BOMA Project in 2019, and this year especially to Barron's Building Services who also sponsored us pre-pandemic in 2019 and are once again our generous supporters in 2022.
We are extremely grateful.

About the Colchester BOMA
If you are a lover of the countryside but can’t get out into it as easily as you’d like, whether on account of disability, injury or older age, the Colchester BOMA is here for your use, making the countryside accessible at High Woods Country Park (enquiries from individuals, groups and organizations are all welcome).
The BOMA is available at the park for new and occasional users on open afternoons (weather dependent!) and by individual arrangement from April through until October. Meet: Visitor Centre, Turner Road. All are welcome, but please be in touch first to book.
The BOMA is also available by individual arrangement through the autumn and winter months, subject to our availability.
To book a time, or just to find out a bit more first, whether for yourself or somebody you know, please be in touch
What’s so special about the BOMA and why is it needed?
For many mobility-restricted walkers, access to the countryside is limited to so-called ‘easy-access’ trails, few in number, and inevitably restricted in their terrain and landscape interest.
The BOMA opens the landscape right up, offering disabled and older walkers the real possibility of accessing our beautiful, diverse countryside on an equal basis with non-disabled walkers and cyclists.

Access to the Countryside for All