If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees - Hal Borland

Tree lovers of Colchester! You are invited to collaborate in the creation of a 24 mile tree trail around the Orbital walk/cycle route...
A project remembering
Christopher Howard
Christopher, dendrologist (tree expert!) and friend, supported this project in its infancy, and in 2020 nominated the first 11 trees in Myland where he lived and through which the Orbital West runs.
Trees of Note is a 'slow' project, something lovely hopefully, and fun to create over time, testimony to the pleasure in trees Christopher gave us.
About nominating a tree
Explore the Orbital by downloading route directions or checking out the online Colchester Orbital map and keep your senses alert as you walk or cycle to the bounty of local trees around you!
Anybody can nominate a tree and all nominations are welcome. There's no need to be knowledgeable about trees yourself (we have a small team of knowledgeable volunteers to hand who can help with identification).
Your chosen tree needn't be the rarest or the tallest... it must simply have some defining quality that you believe makes it special or note-worthy, and it should be visible from the Orbital route or within a short walking distance of it.
All nominated trees will be photographed and mapped on our online Colchester Orbital map: (Categories / Green Projects & Activities)
Pictures will be displayed on a dedicated Flickr page in addition to the smaller gallery below.
A final tree trail will be chosen from all of your nominations somewhere further down the line (maybe 100 trees? Maybe the longest tree trail in the world? It's possible)
"To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots" Richard Mabey
How to nominate a tree
Send us your nomination via
- email (
- Facebook (
- Twitter (@ColchOrbital)
Say why you're nominating this tree - the important bit, what makes it noteworthy for you?
Include a picture if possible - ideally one of the whole tree, and one of a close-up of leaves (we can re-photograph if necessary)
Give the location - as accurately as possible (or better still, include a grid reference ( is easy to use)
The tree enthusiasts supporting the project
A small group of tree lovers, combining their knowledge and skills, are on hand to help identify trees if necessary and to contribute a bit more information about them. We would welcome interest from others who would like to join us!
We are: Diana Hargrave (Friends of Castle Park), Maria Fremlin (Wivenhoe Park Millennium Oaks project), Penny Stynes (Colchester Cemetery), Phil Brew (Photographer), Rowena Macaulay (Walk Colchester)
Be in touch with us at
“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver” Martin Luther

"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin" William Shakespeare
See our Flickr gallery for the full collection